Digital Panicinside the circle

Radicalization Pipeline

2021 By Theo Triantafyllidis
an image set in a game world. There are heavily armed riot police, and
civilians in conflict. There is swamp like grass on the ground and fire in
the background.
A Screenshot from “Radicalization Pipeline”, 2021 by Theo Triantafyllidis. Courtesy of the artist and NOVO – Eduardo Secci Milan.

Theo Triantafyllidis, sound by Diego Navarro

Radicalization Pipeline is an artist’s gamified imagining of the violence and political division in today’s societies. In a live, computer-generated battle, two groups made up of citizen militia and fantastical creatures clash and shout in a modern medieval soundscape. The orchestrated live simulation draws on role-playing-game (RPG) systems and their characters, as well as high fantasy and online niche communities. Triantafyllidis programmes the characters in a darkly humorous loop of clashes that constantly start over again, in an echo of our current social and political conflicts.