Digital Panicinside the circle

Your Crisis Profile

2022 By Tactical Tech
An infographic titled Your Crisis Profile. It looks at the different types
of data collected based off a persons digital behaviours, conversations and
actions, to discover directly or indirectly infer you opinion in a crisis.
Infographic by Tactical Tech, illustrated by La Loma based on Tactical Tech work The Influence Industry.

In a crisis, your reactions and the digital traces they leave can provide valuable data for those seeking to influence you. A vast range of companies are in the business of creating digital profiles that can be used to better understand personal positions and public opinion about divisive issues. These ‘crisis profiles’ help politicians and companies decide how to respond, how to appeal to different positions and how to craft and deliver their messages.

The title reads Crisis Profile on this part of the infographic. One layer lower it reads Covid-19, and below that the likelihood a person feels with the statements 'Wants frequent testing', 'believes China is reponsible', 'mask enforcer' and 'Belives reaction overblown'.
This piece of the infographic shows the Data Input. If it's coming from Social media posts, surveys, event attendance or credit card transacions for example.
This part of the infographic shows the Outputs. These may include targerted messaging, issue advertising, crisis planning or nudge voting.
The final piece of the infographic shows the Issue Positions. There are different issues which are controversional, such as Transgender Bathroom use, Economic anxiety, Abortion, Environment and Immigration crackdown.
Infographic by Tactical Tech, illustrated by La Loma based on Tactical Tech work The Influence Industry.
The progression of the role of mediating companies and consultants in political influence, from the Influence Industry project by Tactical Tech.