Digital Panicinside the circle

The Endless Doomscroller

2020 By Ben Grosser
A black and white illustration showing a blacked out hole, with various
text boxes coming out of it - with phrases that evoke doom, such as "All is
Illustration by La Loma, based on “The Endless Doomscroller”, 2020 by Ben Grosser.

Do you stay awake at night scrolling through the news? The Endless Doomscroller echoes the stream of constant crisis we get sucked into on our social media newsfeeds by giving you, as Grosser describes it, “an endless stream of doom, without all the specifics.” The project demonstrates how fear-inducing headlines capture our attention, which, in turn, drives profit for the platforms that produce them. This digital artwork invites you to consider who is benefitting next time you find yourself scrolling for more.

A gif showing the Endless Doomscroller - a phone screen with endless text
Demo GIF, The Endless Doomscroller, 2020 by Ben Grosser.